Broadband & Democracy

Technology is a tool, a tool that can be used, if distributed equitably, to improve society. At the Benton Institute for Broadband & Society, we are not for broadband just for broadband’s sake. In the "Broadband & Society" part of our name, we recognize that in our increasingly digital lives, equitable access to broadband and a just society are inseparable. Broadband's potential, its promise, is not just quicker communication, but improving education, healthcare, job training and acquisition, economic development, delivering government services, and so much more. In short, we see broadband as the infrastructure of opportunity—an essential tool to ensure a thriving democracy. With this in mind, you may understand why Benton's collective heart leapt this week when leaders from around the world in government, civil society, and the private sector gathered for the first of two Summits for Democracy to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing democracies in the 21st century—and broadband was on the agenda.

Broadband & Democracy