Broadband Stimulus: Cha- Cha- Cha Changes in NOFA Rule
[Commentary] Some time this month, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration and the Rural Utilities Service intend to issue a Request for Information" (RFI) to gather input on rule changes, additions, deletions, and so on for the next broadband stimulus Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA). This is likely your last best opportunity to impact the stimulus funding process. There's a strong sentiment at the agencies to combine the last two funding rounds. Expect serious jockeying for attention by incumbents who've decided they want to play in the sandbox after all, but not by rules that the first round's 2,200 applicants did. One new rule Settles believes should insist on is that the protections for applicants from incumbent challenges be written, not just verbal as they are currently. Furthermore, insist that applicants have a clearly written defense process to counter challenges, AND be able to see the "evidence" that incumbents submit for their challenges. Currently incumbents can hide evidence behind NDAs, making it harder for communities to defend against challenges.
Broadband Stimulus: Cha- Cha- Cha Changes in NOFA Rule