Brownback, Martin Push Collegial Anti-Obesity Effort

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[SOURCE: Broadcasting&Cable, AUTHOR: John Eggerton]
Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) unveiled a new joint task force on the media and childhood obesity, saying his goal was to work with industry to help combat the issue, to join hands rather than point fingers. With FCC Chairman Kevin Martin and Commissioner Deborah Taylor Tate at his side, Sen Brownback said he wanted to bring together "industry, government, and advocacy organizations to combat the rising tide of childhood obesity." He pointed to a pie chart "no pun intended," he added, to illustrate the "direct and profound" impact of targeted marketing of candy, cereal, soda, and fast food. Sen Brownback said that the task force, which will begin its work early in 2007 and result in an FCC report, would not just look at the industry, but at parents and "the role the federal government has in stemming this crisis. He said that if different sectors did not come together, they would all be responsible for the ongoing harm to children from the obesity problem. While the effort was billed as bipartisan, there were some prominent Democratic voices on the issue of childhood obesity not participating, including Democratic Commissioner Michael Copps, and Senator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), the latter arguably Congress' most vocal critic of food marketing practices. Sen Brownback said he had not contacted Sen Harkin about the task force, but that he had also not talked to any of his other colleagues "Republican or Democrat," but that he welcomed input from interested parties and he would "reach out" to both sides of the aisle. Chairman Martin seconded that sentiment. Task force members announced at the event included representatives from the Beverly LaHaye Institute, Children Now, Disney, the Parents Television Council, Sesame Workshop, and the Benton Foundation. Sen Brownback said more task force members, particularly representatives from the business community, are expected to join soon

* Brownback, FCC Announce Task Force on Child Obesity and Media

* Chairman Martin's remarks:

Brownback, Martin Push Collegial Anti-Obesity Effort