The Business Case For Government Fiber Networks

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With the lucky few recipients of federal broadband stimulus grants now hard at work building their networks, localities that did not win funding or were not in a position to apply could be forgiven for thinking they missed the opportunity to operate a government-owned, fiber optic broadband network. This is especially true for any community in danger of losing its institutional network (I-Net) – that hard-won concession of cable contracts from an earlier franchising environment – because of regulatory or technical changes. However, despite the closing of the $7 billion broadband stimulus window and the ongoing shift from franchise-funded I-Nets, viable options remain for communities to build next-generation networks to serve governmental and institutional needs. Rather than government grants or cable-company funding, new federal E-Rate regulations and new ways to analyze the benefits of municipal fiber networks will be the keys to a successful business case.

[Editor's note: Joanne Hovis is a member of the Benton Foundation's Board of Directors]

The Business Case For Government Fiber Networks