Businesses Need Thoughtful Projects to Capture Broadband Stimulus Funds, Say Panelists

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Before submitting a proposal to the government broadband stimulus funds, a business enterprise needs to present a thoughtful, well drafted project involving the contracting of professional project managers, said participants in a Tuesday webinar on grant applications. "It would be important to consider hiring a consultant who is well versed with what your company wants to achieve," advised Laurie Itkin, director of government affairs for Cricket Communications. Itkin's company provides low-cost broadband services mainly young and lower-income subscribers. The lower-income brackets make up to half of the subscribers with Cricket that have not previously been subscribed to any form of Internet services. Furthermore, it is important that applicants include all business disciplines in this planning team, and have all areas polished up before making a presentation, she said. Itkin was speaking at an event, "Making the Most of Broadband Stimulus Funds" sponsored by the Rural Mobile Broadband Alliance, and organized by Phil Goldstein, editor of the news publication FierceWireless.

Businesses Need Thoughtful Projects to Capture Broadband Stimulus Funds, Say Panelists