Buzz + Latitude = A Minefield for Google
Google is looking to integrate its Latitude and Buzz offerings which means Buzz's privacy problems may be about to get even bigger.
Latitude, which launched last year, enables users to find friends and broadcast their whereabouts to others. Those aren't revolutionary features, of course — Loopt and Useful Networks are just two that have gained some traction with similar friend-finding offerings. But Latitude's tracking functionality is potentially more invasive than Buzz, which requires users to check in every time they want to update their location. And Google a few months ago sparked controversy by adding location alerts and history, features that inform users when their fellow Latitude friends are nearby and allowing users to see where they've been. Integrating Latitude features with Buzz — which has millions of users — will further complicate a service that for some is already too confusing and who are likely to inadvertently broadcast their location information to Buzz-using friends even if Google does a good job of informing them that the two offerings sometimes work as one. Unless Google first makes Buzz much simpler, CEO Eric Schmidt will have a lot more opportunities to blame users for misunderstanding the service.
Buzz + Latitude = A Minefield for Google Google Buzz, Latitude May Be Integrated, Google Says (eWeek) Google Really Wants to Monitor Where You Are: May Link Buzz and Latitude (Fast Company)