Cable’s “Level Playing Field† Not Level. No Field.
[SOURCE: Center for Creative Voices in Media]
Recounting the real-life experiences and observations of top players in the cable business, including some of the pioneers who created the cable industry such as Leo Hindery, John Malone, Ted Turner, and Barry Diller, a new report documents that there is no “level playing field" in America’s cable industry today. New independent cable channels such as Current and The America Channel get little or no carriage on Comcast and Time Warner Cable, the nation’s two largest cable operators, while the little-watched channels owned by those companies, such as G4, get widespread carriage. The situation is so dire that Al Gore, the Chairman of Current, recently led a rally of 7,000 Current fans outside Comcast’s Philadelphia headquarters to urge that the nation’s largest cable operator carry Current more widely.
See report at:…