Canaccord: iPhone smartphone share to grow 42% this quarter

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Canaccord Genuity's T. Michael Walkley expects sales of Amazon's Kindle Fire to cut sharply into the iPad's dominance of the worldwide market for tablet computers, reducing its unit share from 74% in calendar Q3 to 53.2% in Q4. (This is not such bad news, Apple execs told J.P. Morgan last week, because they expect the $199 tablet that Amazon sells at a loss to whet consumer appetites for the iPad, which Apple sells at a tidy profit.) The good news in Walkley's note is that he is seeing "strong global share gains" for the iPhone versus Google's Android this quarter -- strong enough for him to increase his iPhone unit sales estimate for Q4 from 29 million to 30.5 million.

Canaccord: iPhone smartphone share to grow 42% this quarter