Candidate for Congress Will Let His Constituents Decide How He Votes

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Michael Allman is running for Congress as a Republican. But if his constituents lean left of him on a particular issue before Congress, that’s how Allman will vote. That’s because Allman is running on a direct democracy platform: For every issue, voters in his district will be able to use a blockchain-enabled website to securely log their opinions, and Allman will follow the will of the people.

Allman has no background in politics, but has worked in the tech industry, and realized that the technology exists to make direct representation possible. Working with a tech company that had an existing platform, he created a custom website that will outline both sides of a general issue–for example, whether or not there should be more gun control laws–or a specific bill. Voters can read through the arguments on both sides, and read selected op-eds. The site can verify that someone is in a particular district and that they’re registered to vote, and then register their opinion confidentially.

Candidate for Congress Will Let His Constituents Decide How He Votes