Carriers Look to Offer Fast-Lane Access on 5G Networks

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Network carriers are exploring nascent technology that would allow them to better and more quickly deliver certain apps and services on their network—but this technology, known as network slicing, could potentially run afoul of net-neutrality regulations. In the current model, all data traffic from phones is typically funneled through the same network. Carriers are able to prioritize the voice calls that they handle on that network, but they rarely have visibility into what else users are doing through other apps. For carriers, network slicing is a path toward increasing returns on the heavy investments made in 5G upgrades, said David Barden, senior telecom analyst at BofA Securities. But several questions remain unanswered, including how exactly carriers will monetize this and whether that business model will come into conflict with evolving net-neutrality regulations.  

Carriers Look to Offer Fast-Lane Access on 5G Networks