Cat's Out Of The Bag: Network Neutrality Won't Harm Investment
[Commentary] The argument about diminished investment by broadband providers if they're reclassified as common carriers under Title II of the 1996 Communications Act is simply untrue.
Telecommunication analysts, business leaders, and pro-network neutrality groups alike have debunked this argument time and time again. It is a wonder the Title II opposition keeps making the anti-investment argument at all. Refuting this argument is of special interest to National Hispanic Media Coalition for two reasons. One, we believe strongly that Internet Service Providers should be investing more to provide better and more affordable service to the Latino community and other communities of color, who often find themselves on the wrong side of the digital divide. And two, a handful of our allies in the civil rights community disagree with us on this point -- opposing Title II because they believe that it would negatively impact investment. Given that our positions typically align with these groups when it comes to broadband access and adoption issues, fully vetting this claim was a top priority for NHMC.
Cat's Out Of The Bag: Network Neutrality Won't Harm Investment