CBO Scores Office of Government Information Services Empowerment Act

Coverage Type 

The Office of Government Information Services Empowerment Act (H.R. 5253) would amend the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to permit the Office of Government Information Services (OGIS) to access records it needs from all agencies. (OGIS is part of the National Archives and Records Administration.) The office acts as a FOIA ombudsman, and it reviews FOIA policies and procedures and identifies steps to improve compliance with that act. CBO expects that any budgetary effects from implementing H.R. 5253 would not be significant because the bill would primarily codify existing policies and practices. The OGIS is currently obtaining consent to access the necessary records of all federal agencies. It now has such agreements with many of the largest agencies. Thus, CBO estimates there would be no significant costs or savings from implementing H.R. 5253.

CBO Scores Office of Government Information Services Empowerment Act