CBS Wants Affiliates To Pony Up For Programs

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A Q&A with CBS Affiliates Relations President Diana Wilkin.

Having watched their affiliates pile up new revenue from retransmission consent over the past few years, CBS has joined other networks in asking their affiliates for what's been called "programming fees," "license fees" or "reverse compensation." By whatever name, it's money going from the pocket of the affiliate to that of the network.

Wilkin says that most, if not all, the CBS affiliates have accepted the fact that they will have to pay to air NCIS, The Big Bang Theory and Survivor. Some have already cut deals, she says, declining to discuss terms. She also acknowledges that affiliates are being asked to pay a bit more to tap into the CBS Newspath news services, but promises that any if CBS renegotiates its March Madness deal with the NCAA it will not result in added expense for the affiliates. If any network executive should sympathize with the affiliate, it should be Wilkin. Prior to joining CBS as chief affiliate wrangler two years ago this month, she ran CBS affiliates in West Palm Beach, Fla. (WPEC) and Jacksonville, Fla. (WAWS) and sat on the CBS affiliate board.

CBS Wants Affiliates To Pony Up For Programs