Celebrating Over 25 Years of Headlines

As we celebrate the Benton Institute’s 40 years of impact, I'd like to take a moment to recognize one name that is a constant—a name that has become synonymous with Benton. Kevin Taglang, Benton’s Executive Editor, recently celebrated his 25th anniversary with Benton, managing a variety of Benton resources that enable more people to participate in communications policy debates. Kevin has become one of the most read, but least known policy influencers in Washington, DC. For over two and a half decades, he has helped telecommunications policymakers stay on top of the news that shapes decisions. A few weeks after the law was signed, Benton realized how much work needed to be done in the coming months and years—and what was at stake for ensuring that everyone in the U.S. has access to critical communications tools. Benton saw that various sectors of the telecommunications sector would be trying to convince regulators to write rules in a way that merely favored their bottom lines. Benton understood there was more at stake. That public policy could be made better when it is better informed.  That public interest advocates could be better prepared for the debates ahead if they could stay abreast of those debates more effectively.

Celebrating Over 25 Years of Headlines