Chairman Ajit Pai at the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Global Summit
When we talk about spectrum policy innovation in 2020, dynamic spectrum sharing rests at the cutting edge. It’s become a powerful tool for squeezing the most value out of high-quality spectrum and meeting the growing demand for wireless services. Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) may have been the Federal Communications Commission’s first major foray into dynamic sharing, but it was hardly our last. One initiative that we’re really excited about is our work in the 6 GHz band. The topline is that we’re making the entire 6 GHz band—a massive 1,200 megahertz testbed for innovators and innovation—available for unlicensed use.
Let me close by shifting to white spaces. Just last week, the FCC adopted important additional changes to the operating and technical rules for white space devices that will expand their ability to deliver wireless services in many rural and underserved areas. What’s more, we’re also looking at whether we can open up even more white spaces for rural operators by incorporating smart modelling into the system—specifically, the Longley-Rice Irregular Terrain Model. I expect that these changes will spur further growth of the white space ecosystem and help close the digital divide.
Chairman Ajit Pai at the Dynamic Spectrum Alliance Global Summit