Chairman Blackburn Criticizes Democratic Reps for Not Rallying Behind Privacy Bill

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House Communications Subcommittee Chairman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) chastised Democratic Reps for not rallying around her internet privacy bill, after they criticized the GOP’s efforts to kill privacy restrictions earlier in 2017. At a House Commerce technology subcommittee hearing on broadband coverage, Democratic Reps criticized the committee’s leadership for not holding hearings on net neutrality, internet privacy or oversight for the FCC. "I will say to my colleagues that I would be happy to discuss my Browser Act on the privacy issue, and we have reached out to all of the Democratic offices in the House on this issue,” Chairman Blackburn responded, adding that she was “disappointed” by the lack of response to her outreach.

Chairman Blackburn Criticizes Democratic Reps for Not Rallying Behind Privacy Bill