Chairman Bono Mack plans hearing on White House privacy plan

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Rep. Mary Bono Mack (R-CA), chairman of the House Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on Manufacturing and Trade, said she plans to hold a hearing next month on the White House's "Privacy Bill of Rights."

“Protecting consumer privacy online and preserving American innovation are not mutually exclusive, but they do require a very careful juggling act," Chairman Bono Mack said. "I am committed to achieving both. While I look forward to working with President Obama and [Commerce] Secretary [John] Bryson on this critically important issue, any rush-to-judgment could have a chilling effect on our economy and potentially damage, if not cripple, online innovation." Chairman Bono Mack warned against enacting tough privacy regulations like European governments have. "That’s why my subcommittee has been taking a thoughtful, measured approach to online privacy, which I strongly believe — over the long haul — will benefit both American consumers and the U.S. economy," she said. "Once we have heard from all the stakeholders, we can make an informed decision about the need for legislation.”

Chairman Bono Mack plans hearing on White House privacy plan Statement (Chairman Bono Mack)