Chairman Pai's Response to Sens Moran, Manchin Regarding the Connect America Fund and Remote Area Fund

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On June 22, 2017, Sens Jerry Moran (R-KS) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Ajit Pai, urging him to, "move forward with the Remote Areas Fund (RAF) to appropriately target Universal Service Fund support towards the most difficult to serve areas in our states that remain unserved."

On July 18, Chairman Pai responded by saying, " I was pleased to move forward with the bipartisan CAF Phase II Auctions Order earlier this year, which the Commission has now targeted to include extremely high-cost areas as well as the high-cost areas that were always part of the Connect America Fund. And that's why I was pleased that the Commission agreed to commence the Remote Areas Fund, which like the CAF Phase l1 Auction will employ technology-neutral rules, no later than one year after the commencement of the CAF Phase li auction."

Chairman Pai's Response to Sens Moran, Manchin Regarding the Connect America Fund and Remote Area Fund