Chairman Wheeler's Response to Members of Congress Re: Charter-TWC Merger

Several members of Congress over the last few months wrote to Federal Communications Commission Chairman Tom Wheeler regarding the proposed merger between Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable, and the acquisition of Advance/Newhouse Partnership, the parent of Bright House Networks.

On April 7, Chairman Wheeler responded by writing, "Consistent with our rules, the Commission will evaluate whether these proposed transactions are in the public interest. Our analysis on any transaction is always robust and takes several factors into account, including the issues you raise in your letter. As you mention in your letter, not only do we assess whether we can appropriately remedy any harms that may arise from the transaction, we also place great emphasis on the benefits that the transaction will confer on American consumers. While I am unable to discuss the merits of this particular proceeding, I can assure you that the Commission is conducting an open and transparent process as required by FCC rules and regulations. After developing a full and complete record, we hope to conclude our review as quickly as possible. Again, thank you for your interest in this matter. Your letter will be made part of the official record of the proceeding."

Chairman Wheeler's Response to Members of Congress Re: Charter-TWC Merger