Chairwoman Rosenworcel Proposes Internet Routing Security Reporting Requirements

Federal Communications Commission Chairwoman Jessica Rosenworcel proposed requiring the largest broadband providers to file confidential reports on Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) security so the FCC and its national security partners can for the first time collect more up-to-date information about this critical internet routing intersection. BGP is the technology used for routing information through the physical and digital infrastructure of the internet. The proposal aims to increase the security of the information routed across the internet by proposing certain reporting obligations on broadband internet access service (BIAS) providers on their progress towards secure internet routing. The proposal looks to utilize the Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) as a critical component of BGP security. It proposes to require that all broadband providers develop plans for implementing BGP security measures, and that a select number of the largest broadband providers would file those plans with the FCC as well as file quarterly data reports. 

Chairwoman Proposes Internet Routing Security Reporting Requirements