Change Is Inevitable, Including at Telecompetitor
I realized some months ago that all those books piling up on my side table aren’t going to read themselves. All those places I’ve been wanting to visit aren’t going to visit themselves. And so on. So as of July 5, I will be turning the Telecompetitor managing editor position over to Ian Doescher, who has contributed previously to our coverage and is a very capable person who is familiar with the complex and dynamic telecom business. I’ve been a telecom journalist for almost 30 years—the last 15 at Telecompetitor, where I’ve written over 4,000 posts—and I love what I do, so I’m not exiting completely. You’ll still see several posts from me every month in my new role as editor-at-large. The time has come, though, to take a vacation, which I haven’t done in several years, to catch up on my reading, to get to the gym more and to spend more time with friends and family.
Change Is Inevitable, Including at Telecompetitor