Changing Channels, From Cable to the Web
A look at people who watch television, but don't pay for cable.
Those who belong to this crowd are only too happy to remind you that they can watch most of what you watch, but don't pay $60 a month or more for the privilege. They will explain gleefully how they (legally, for the most part) circumvent the cable companies. And they are becoming more voluble, as cable bills rise and technology improves. It's impossible to quantify how many people have ditched their cable service, and the cable providers are eager to paint them as a minority fringe. But with devices like Xbox and Apple TV and software like Boxee making it easy to stream Internet content to a television, mention the phenomenon in just about any gathering, and someone is likely to pipe up about his or her way of watching cable free. And, yes, by and large they do enjoy making other people jealous.
Changing Channels, From Cable to the Web