Cities Are Teaming Up to Offer Broadband, and the FCC Is Mad

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This is a story that defies two strongly held beliefs. The first—embraced fervently by today's Federal Communications Commission—is that the private marketplace is delivering world-class internet access infrastructure at low prices to all Americans, particularly in urban areas. The second is that cities are so busy competing that they are incapable of cooperating with one another, particularly when they have little in common save proximity. These two beliefs aren’t necessarily true. Right now, the 16 very different cities that make up the South Bay region of Southern California have gotten fed up with their internet access situation: They’re paying too much for too little. So they are working together to collectively lower the amounts they pay for city communications by at least a third. It's the first step along a path that, ultimately, will bring far cheaper internet access services to the 1.1 million people who live in the region.

[Susan Crawford is a professor at Harvard Law School]

Cities Are Teaming Up to Offer Broadband, and the FCC Is Mad