Citizen Journalism? Um, How About Crowdsourcing Journalism With Actual Journalists?
A Q&A with Mother Jones co-editors Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery. Mother Jones, the nonprofit magazine of investigative reporting, has been around since 1976, but lately it's been getting plenty of fresh attention. Partly because it's a proven model for nonprofit journalism (the magazine gets support from subscribers, donors, advertisers and foundations) in a moment when old monopoly-driven for-profit business models for journalism, particularly at newspapers, are crumbling. But also because editorially, the magazine has been on a hot streak. Under co-editors Monika Bauerlein and Clara Jeffery, in charge since 2006, Mother Jones has been nominated for several National Magazine Awards, won the NMA for General Excellence last year, and opened an eight-person bureau in Washington (DC)
Citizen Journalism? Um, How About Crowdsourcing Journalism With Actual Journalists?