"Climate-gate" Debate Online

The blogosphere last week once again fixated on one of its most popular topics, global warming, following a BBC interview with Phil Jones, the scientist at the center of the so-called "Climate-gate" controversy last year.

Jones, the director of the British research unit whose emails were uncovered, answered detailed questions about the science behind global warming and said he was "100% confident that the climate has warmed." The response to his answers highlighted the divide between those who support the theory of global warming and those who question it. In the blogosphere from February 15-19, the global warming debate received more than a third (34%) of the week's links according to the New Media Index produced by the Pew Research Center's Project for Excellence in Journalism. This is the first time the subject has made the list of top five subjects among blogs since last December when global warming was a significant subject for three weeks in a row.

"Climate-gate" Debate Online