Clinton: We Must Continue to Tell America's Story

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In recent remarks at new Department of State facilities, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said, "I think telling America's story is something that we need to do every single day. We did it quite well during the Cold War and then we dropped off because we thought, well, Cold War is over, Soviet Union has dissolved, everybody should know that democracy and human rights and individual freedom and liberty is self-evidently the way of the future. Well, we've learned that we cannot rest. We have to continue to make the case. And every time we engage a foreign audience about our values or we exemplify them, we learn from their feedback, and we become more creative and more persuasive in trying to make our case." With the opening of a state of the art building, Sec Clinton noted, "[W]e need to have a constant flow of information among us, because the world of public diplomacy is changing so rapidly because of digital media. You need the tools to communicate constantly in an increasingly interconnected world with 24/7 news feeds, constantly updated blogs, and of course, viral video."

Clinton: We Must Continue to Tell America's Story