ComScore Finds Huge Growth in Mobile Media Consumption
Strong growth in mobile devices and multi-platform content consumption continued unabated in 2014, as new research from comScore illustrates. “Perhaps more so than at any other time in recent memory, changes were not merely incremental but rather seemed to represent key inflection points in the evolution of various markets and behaviors,” comScore writes in the introduction of its “US Digital Future in Focus 2015” report. “We saw platforms collide in ways that upended existing markets, reconfigured the economics of various industries, and suggested that we are embarking on a new era of digital that will look markedly different from its predecessor.”
Smartphones and tablets accounted for the bulk of growth in digital media consumption (up 394 percent and 1,721 percent respectively) over the past four years, comScore highlights in its report. It turns out that their ascension hasn’t been eating into the amount of time Americans spend consuming media via desktop equipment however. The total amount of time Americans spent consuming digital media via desktop devices and equipment rose 37 percent over this time period, according to comScore.
ComScore Finds Huge Growth in Mobile Media Consumption US Digital Future in Focus 2015 (ComScore Report)