Congress Urged to Support Communication Voucher System

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[SOURCE: Campaign Legal Center]
In the wake of record spending on campaign television advertising, the Campaign Legal Center is asking Members of Congress to support a communications voucher system in the 110th Congress to reduce the staggering fundraising burdens on candidates. The constant pursuit of contributions to fund television ads has reduced the effectiveness of our elected officials and undermined our system of government. The Our Democracy, Our Airwaves Act previously introduced in the 108th Congress proposed just such a system.

* Campaign Legal Center Pushes Congress for Vouchers

* A fairer way to fund campaign commercials
Op-ed by CLC Policy Director Meredith McGehee: "A communication voucher system is a self-regulating structure that won't solve every problem with the political ads that turn off so many voters, but it would begin to return some sanity to a system that has clearly slipped its moorings. Changing the way candidates get access to the public airwaves would strengthen our democracy and should be high on the "to-do" list for the 110th Congress - even if it means undermining the idea of election to Congress as a lifetime appointment.",0,484748...

Congress Urged to Support Communication Voucher System