Connecting 21st Century Communities: A Policy Agenda for Broadband Stakeholders

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In the 21st century, broadband Internet access has emerged as more than just an information superhighway -- it has become critical infrastructure to connect citizens, businesses, and communities alike to new opportunities. Yet for too many communities, the promise of fast, affordable, and reliable Internet access remains unrealized. That is why over 100 cities and towns have formed Next Century Cities, a nonpartisan, city-to-city collaborative. Next Century Cities (NCC) is dedicated to elevating the voices of communities in the broadband policy discussion and sharing resources and knowledge among members. This Policy Agenda offers policies that will move communities in the direction of fast, affordable, and reliable Internet access available to all.

The development of fast, affordable, and reliable broadband Internet for communities often requires a wide range of stakeholders contributing in a variety of ways, from providing a broadband-friendly regulatory climate, to demonstrating the value of networks, to empowering key voices. NCC’s Policy Agenda identifies the roles each ally can play to develop broadband at each level of government, offers guidance on how policymakers and community members can fulfill these roles with examples of what’s working, and proposes concrete actions government and civil society can take to lay the groundwork for a broadband-ready future.

Connecting 21st Century Communities: A Policy Agenda for Broadband Stakeholders Connecting 21st Century Communities (NCC Policy Agenda PDF) Next Century Cities Offers Gigabit Deployment Tips (telecompetitor)