Continuing to Build Smart Policies for Spectrum Sharing
Finding ways to use wireless spectrum more efficiently is a critical part of President Obama’s ambitious strategy for expanding the availability of spectrum for innovative and flexible commercial uses, including for broadband services, to drive innovation, expand consumer services, and create jobs.
Balancing the growing needs of both commercial and Federal spectrum users presents opportunities for increased efficiency and economic growth, but also poses challenges. In particular, commercial wireless providers must learn how to operate their systems in spectrum bands that will be shared by Federal agencies using that same spectrum for operations such as conducting military training exercises, maintaining air safety, or tracking criminal activity. That’s why it is absolutely essential to enhance collaboration and information sharing between Federal agencies and private-sector wireless technology companies. And we already know that it can work. On December 13, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration will host a Lessons Learned Meeting, convening Federal agencies, industry experts, and other stakeholders to review the collaborative process that helped inspire the Defense Department proposal regarding the 1755 MHz band, in anticipation of additional collaboration and information sharing efforts that address the ever-increasing demand for wireless services.
Continuing to Build Smart Policies for Spectrum Sharing