Conway sidelined after going 'off message'

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The White House is barring counselor Kellyanne Conway from television appearances after the high-profile aide made multiple on-air statements contradicting the Trump administration’s official stance.

Conway, who was recently a regular fixture on TV news, hasn’t appeared for an on-air interview since early last week. That Feb 13, she argued that then-national security adviser Michael Flynn had the “full confidence” of President Trump. Flynn resigned from his post later that day amid revelations that he misled Vice President Pence about the nature of his conversations with the Russian ambassador. And on Feb 21, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump asked for Flynn’s resignation. That directly contradicted Conway’s claim on NBC’s “Today” earlier that morning that Flynn had offered to step down. Conway was "off message," a White House source told CNN. Since then, Conway has sat for interviews on radio shows, but has been uncharacteristically absent from the television news circuit.

Conway sidelined after going 'off message' Kellyanne Conway got pulled off the air for a week (Washington Post)