CoSN outlines goals to help schools implement technology

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Consortium for School Networking (CoSN), one of the nation’s major educational technology advocacy groups, has identified five key goals in a new three-year advocacy plan that will help advance new K-12 ed-tech learning opportunities.

  1. Close the Access Gap: Increase awareness of requirements to close the technology access gap for learning inside and outside of school.
  2. Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Skills: Enhance the skills and competencies of CTOs and raise expectations as defined in CoSN’s Framework of Essential Skills of the K-12 CTO and measured by certification.
  3. Team Capacity: Build district-wide support for educational technology through strategic partnerships and professional learning opportunities.
  4. Voice: Advocate for investments in education technology to enhance learning opportunities and drive economic growth.
  5. State Capacity: Expand the capacity of CoSN chapters by enabling professional learning opportunities and developing the ability to influence state policy.

CoSN outlines goals to help schools implement technology