Could the Internet eradicate poverty? Facebook’s Free Basics Aims To

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In a speech at the United Nations on September 26, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg described what he believes to be the solution to poverty: the Internet.

He called for increased global internet access, announcing a partnership between Facebook and the UN to bring Internet access to refugee camps. “A ‘like’ or a post won’t stop a tank or a bullet, but when people are connected, we have a chance to build a common global community with a shared understanding,” Zuckerberg told the UN private sector forum. “That’s a powerful force.” Zuckerberg’s goal is ambitious. Within the next five years, Zuckerberg along with Microsoft’s Bill Gates and other tech leaders plan to bring the Internet to everyone in the world. Facebook announced that it was changing the name of its app and mobile site to Free Basics.

Could the Internet eradicate poverty? Facebook’s Free Basics Aims To Under fire, Facebook unveils “Free Basics,” the new name of’s app (San Jose Mercury News)