CPB Board Adopts Fiscal Year 2007 Operating Budget

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[SOURCE: Corporation for Public Broadcasting press release]
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting Board of Directors adopted a fiscal year 2007 operating budget of $412 million, which will provide for significant investments in the more than 1,000 local public stations, programming and content, technology, as well as the delivery of programming and content on new media platforms. The FY 2007 budget, which goes into effect on October 1, 2007, focuses on the priorities set out in CPB's goals and objectives: local services and content; national content and services; bolstering support for public broadcasting, and long term system-wide planning. Following the statutorily prescribed formula, CPB will administer the FY07 funds as follows: 1) Support for Public Television ($276 million) which includes $200.25 million in Direct Television Grants and $75.75 million for television programming (support for national programming, including projects for children and diverse audiences.) 2) Support for Public Radio ($92 million) which includes: $62.30 million in Radio Community Service Grants (which go directly to stations), $21.97 million in National Program Production & Acquisition Grants, and $7.73 million for the Radio Program Fund. 3) General System Support ($24 million) which includes support for industry-wide services such as TV interconnection grants, music copyright fees, and audience and program research, minority consortia, and ITVS administration.
