Cyber Security's Centrality to Internet Issues

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Greater training and education will be necessary to ensure that cybersecurity receives the attention that it deserves, agreed a panel of government and industry officials, speaking on Friday at Google's Washington office. Christopher Painter, director of cyber security for the National Security Council emphasized the importance of cyber security as a national security priority, including the fact that President Obama had recently given a major address on the topic. Painter said that a public education campaign was necessary to raise awareness about cybersecurity threats, and train people on cyber security. One important part of a forthcoming government "60-day review" will be a short-term action plan as well as an "instant response plan" for dealing with cyber security attacks, he said. Richard Hale, chief information assurance executive for Defense Information Systems Agency, highlighted the need to get business executives at the top focused on the issue: "Once the CEO cares, things started to get cleaned up." Liesyl Franz, vice president for information security and global public policy at TechAmerica, highlighted the significance of the publicity and high-level of visibility that the president has given to cyber security.

Cyber Security's Centrality to Internet Issues