Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers
Sens Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) continue to draft cybersecurity legislation.
Apparently the bill includes: 1) a mandate for federal agencies to prepare emergency response plans in the event of a massive, nationwide cyberattack, 2) provisions giving the President the ability to initiate those network contingency plans to ensure key federal or private services did not go offline during a cyberattack of unprecedented scope, 3) promotion of public awareness of Internet security issues, and 4) key protections of Americans' civil liberties on the Web.
It is unclear when Rockefeller and Snowe will finish their legislation. And the ongoing debate over healthcare reform, financial regulatory reform, jobs bills and education fixes could postpone action on the floor for many months.
Cybersecurity bill to give president new emergency powers