Cybersecurity experts: Major telecom providers are secure

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The major telecom providers have done a good job securing their networks and don’t require further regulation by the government, experts testified. James Lewis, the director of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said telecom companies have addressed cybersecurity on a level that other sectors have not. "The [telecom] sector is already heavily regulated and it is in the business interests of major telecommunication’s companies to provide reliable service," Lewis said during a hearing of the House Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on Communications and Technology. "Their business models makes them the only sector with the expertise and incentives to take cybersecurity seriously, but even then there are issues and problems were uncoordinated private action is inadequate and government intervention is needed," he added.

Cybersecurity experts: Major telecom providers are secure House Subcom Serious About Cybersecurity (B&C) Hearing highlights disagreement over cybersecurity incentives vs. regulation (National Journal) Subcommittee Examines Cybersecurity Threats to Communications Networks (recap from Subcommittee staff)