Delay hurts first responders

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[Commentary] The scheduled Feb. 17 switch from analog to digital television (DTV) broadcasting will give first responders the functioning equipment and broadcast frequencies they need. In fact, help was on the way for three years before the Obama transition team panicked and told Congress to delay. Last week, Congress tried to accommodate the White House, but the Senate's DTV-delay bill failed to gain sufficient support to skirt normal rules in the House. Now, all of us have work to do. Contrary to what you have heard, the digital television transition program is neither stuck nor broke, and there's no need for further delay. The waiting list for the $40 converter-box coupons can be cleared out with just a dollop of bipartisanship.

(Rep. Joe Barton of Texas is the ranking Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.)

Delay hurts first responders