Demand Outpaces Available Funds for Wisconsin's Broadband Expansion Grant Program

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In 2020, Wisconsin will provide a record amount of money for broadband internet in underserved areas of the state that need it for business, government and school. The $24 million the state is making available in 2020 through the Broadband Expansion Grant Program is the largest amount since the program began in 2014. But it is not enough to meet demand. "We received over $50 million in requests. That’s really been a consistent theme throughout our program," said Jaron McCallum, state broadband director for the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin, which administers the grant program. "Requests far exceed available funding. That (forces us) to really hone in those high-quality projects we see as having high impact," McCallum explained. Wisconsin's broadband infrastructure consistently ranks near the bottom of states in the nation. Wisconsin currently ranks 38th for internet access out of all 50 states. 

Demand For Broadband Internet Remains High In Rural Wisconsin