Democratic Sens to President Trump: Veto broadband privacy repeal

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Democratic Sens are pushing President Donald Trump to reject legislation that would repeal the Obama-era Federal Communications Commission's broadband privacy rules. Forty-six Democrats sent a letter to President Trump on March 30 to veto the bill, which passed Congress along a pair of party-line votes. The White House said that the president would sign the bill, but Democrats warn that getting rid of the Obama-era rules would negatively impact privacy.

"This legislation will seriously undermine the privacy protections of the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe that their private information should be just that — private — and not for sale without their knowledge," the senators wrote. The letter was signed by all Senate Democrats with the exception of Sens Joe Manchin (D-WV) and Mark Warner (D-VA).

Democratic Sens to President Trump: Veto broadband privacy repeal