Digital Common Sense: New Survey Shows Americans Want A Better Privacy Balance

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A new Anzalone Liszt Grove research poll commissioned by Microsoft shows it’s not just the Supreme Court that wants the right balance between public safety and the privacy concerns of technology users.

The American public wants this as well. Interestingly, a full 83% of American voters believe police should get a warrant before searching personal information on someone’s cell phone. The poll also found that:

  • 75% agree with Chief Justice Roberts’ statement that “privacy comes at a cost” and there needs to be a balance between fighting crime and our Constitutional right to privacy; and
  • 86% believe police should have to follow the same legal requirements for obtaining personal information stored in the cloud as they do for personal information stored on paper.

Digital Common Sense: New Survey Shows Americans Want A Better Privacy Balance Poll: Public agrees with court on cellphone searches (The Hill) Microsoft Beats the Privacy Drum, Again (Revere Digital)