Dissolution of Hacker Group Might Not End Attacks

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Facing increasing pressure from law enforcement agencies over its brazen computer attacks, the small group of hackers known as Lulz Security announced over the weekend that it would disband.

But security experts said that the dissolution of the group might not signal an end to the attacks, which have hit dozens of Web sites, including those of prominent targets like the Central Intelligence Agency, the United States Senate, the Arizona state police and Sony. Indeed, in its farewell message, the group, also known as LulzSec, urged other hackers to join the “revolution” aimed at governments and corporations that it started recently with Anonymous, a much larger collective of politically minded hackers from which many of the LulzSec members sprung. “It looks like these sort of ‘hacktivist’ ideas are spreading and gaining popularity,” said Dino A. Dai Zovi, a prominent independent security consultant. He said that LulzSec appeared to be trying to inspire others to join a sprawling, if fragmented, array of local groups, which could feed more attacks.

Dissolution of Hacker Group Might Not End Attacks Hacker Group Calls It Quits (WSJ) Lulz Security calls it quits as heat grows (FT) Hacker Group Behind Sony, CIA Breaches Says It’s Ending 50 Days of Attacks (Bloomberg)