Docket Established for Monitoring Compliance with the Conditions Imposed in the Charter Communications Time Warner Cable Bright House Networks Order

On May 10, 2016, the Federal Communications Commission released its order approving the applications for the transfer of control of licenses and authorizations from Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable, and Advance/Newhouse Partnership, the parent of Bright House Networks, to a new company, also named Charter Communications.

As part of its approval, the FCC imposed a number of conditions to ensure that the proposed transaction served the public interest, including requiring Charter to offer broadband service at a discounted rate for low-income individuals, requiring Charter to expand its broadband network to two million new customer locations, and prohibiting Charter from imposing data caps or usage based billing on its customers. The FCC also required the appointment of an independent compliance monitor and the filing of periodic reports to help ensure that the conditions were fulfilled.

By this Public Notice, the FCC is opening a new docket, WC Docket No. 16-197, for the purpose of monitoring compliance with the conditions imposed by the Commission.

Docket Established for Monitoring Compliance with the Conditions Imposed in the Charter Communications Time Warner Cable Bright House Networks Order