Donald Trump doesn’t have much of an opinion on this new-fangled ‘cyber’ thing

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At a military town hall meeting, Donald Trump was asked to expand on his strategy for dealing with the Islamic State militant group. "You have described at times different components of a strategy," the moderator — retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, a Trump supporter — asked, according to a transcript from CBS News' Sopan Deb. "Military, cyber, financial and ideological. Can you just expand on those four a little bit?" Trump dove right into the second one, cyber. “Well, that's it. And you know cyber is becoming so big today. It's becoming something that a number of years ago, short number of years ago, wasn't even a word. And now the cyber is so big. And you know you look at what they're doing with the Internet, how they're taking and recruiting people through the Internet. And part of it is the psychology because so many people think they're winning. Any you know, there's a whole big thing. Even today's psychology — where CNN came out with a big poll. Their big poll came out today that Trump is winning. It's good psychology, you know. It's good psychology. I know that for a fact because people they didn't call me yesterday, they're calling me today. So that's the way life works, right?” And that's how we will beat the Islamic State at cyber.

Donald Trump doesn’t have much of an opinion on this new-fangled ‘cyber’ thing