Donald Trump print pool rotation includes blacklisted outlets
The print pool rotation for covering Donald Trump will include outlets that his campaign has blacklisted. BuzzFeed, the Huffington Post, Politico and The Washington Post are among the blacklisted outlets that will be part of the pool rotation, which begins the week of Aug 29. BuzzFeed is the first outlet to act as official print pooler, through which reporters send out shared reports about Trump’s activities to the rest of the outlets on the pool rotation. "We just wanted to thank you for your patience over the past few weeks,” reads an e-mail sent to the Trump pool list, which will be managed by reporters from The New York Times and Time magazine. “But we are pleased to announce that after some start-and-stop negotiations with the Trump campaign, we are debuting our full print pool this week, starting with BuzzFeed today in Washington.”
According to a source familiar with the negotiations, which have been ongoing for months, those representing the pool demanded that only the pool could determine its membership and not the campaign. What’s not clear though is whether the banned outlets will be allowed to attend Trump campaign events as media when they are not on pool rotation.
Donald Trump print pool rotation includes blacklisted outlets