Donald Trump's running mate, Gov Mike Pence, is already loathed in Silicon Valley

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Donald Trump used his favorite hailing frequency, Twitter, to confirm his selection of Gov Mike Pence (R-IN) as his vice presidential running mate. The choice is bound to make conservatives within the Republican party happy — though the he’s unlikely to win the hearts and minds of anyone in the tech industry. Indeed, his selection is likely to provoke the ire of many leaders in Silicon Valley, 70 of whom aligned against an anti-LGBT measure that Gov Pence signed into law in 2015. Some of the technology industry’s most prominent executives — among them Apple’s Tim Cook and Salesforce’s Marc Benioff — vocally protested the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, a “religious liberty bill” that they warned would open the door to legalizing discrimination against minority groups.

Of course, Trump isn’t courting Silicon Valley with his choice of Gov Pence. The first-term governor and former congressman is there to make the GOP’s evangelical wing happy. He’s a guy who described himself as “a Christian, a conservative and a Republican, in that order.” For Silicon Valley, which has aggressively used corporate muscle on issues of LGBT rights, it seems Trump’s likely pick might be the worst possible selection he could have made.

Donald Trump's running mate, Gov Mike Pence, is already loathed in Silicon Valley