Economic benefits of 5G in a post-COVID world

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Whether it be for business meetings, family video chats, virtual doctor appointments or distance learning, more Americans are relying on broadband and wireless networks to stay connected than ever before, as the nation deals with the COVID-19 crisis. As we look into the future, it is evident that investing in building these strong communication networks, in particular next-generation wireless networks or 5G, will be as crucial than ever to American success. However, that outcome and the consumer benefits that would result will not easily materialize without the Federal Communications Commission streamlining unnecessary regulatory roadblocks to small cell deployment, as well as keeping its vital spectrum auctions on schedule. America has the opportunity to take the lead in this global 21st century race; the momentum is there and consumers demand it, let us not let it go to waste.

[Steve Pociask is president/CEO of the American Consumer Institute and chair of the FCC’s Consumer Advisory Committee]

Economic benefits of 5G in a post-COVID world