Ensign Wants More Spectrum for Wireless Broadband

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On Friday, Sen John Ensign (R-NV), the ranking member of the Senate Communications Subcommittee, said the US must act soon to meet the increasing demand for more spectrum: "Our nation is on the verge of a wireless spectrum shortage. As evidenced by the tremendous success of smart phones, demand for wireless broadband devices and services is exploding. If the United States does not act soon to meet the increasing demand for more spectrum, we risk falling behind other nations in developing new technologies." Sen Ensign said he commended the Federal Communications Commission for taking a "first step toward allocating more spectrum for wireless broadband. This is a vitally important conversation that our nation must have now if we are to stay at the cutting edge of innovation. I also applaud the FCC for recognizing the important public interest value of free over-the-air broadcast television. I look forward to working with my colleagues in Congress, the FCC, the NTIA, and all public and private spectrum stakeholders to allocate more spectrum for wireless broadband."

Ensign Wants More Spectrum for Wireless Broadband