Ensuring the Nation’s Cybersecurity Is a Whole-of-Government Effort

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Over the past couple of decades, our nation’s reliance on the internet and its associated infrastructures and technologies has significantly increased. And, unsurprisingly, cyberattacks have become a much more common and insidious threat. These ongoing threats serve as a constant reminder of the importance of ensuring our cybersecurity by strengthening the defensive measures that we already have in place. One way Science & Technology is working to implement and improve state-of-the-art technologies that ensure our nation’s cybersecurity is through our involvement with the SwA CoP, an interagency group founded in 2012 by the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and the National Security Agency (NSA). Now comprised of over 300 members from across the Department of Defense (DoD), NSA, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and other federal agencies, the SwA CoP brings together subject matter experts on a quarterly basis to develop best practices and standards, exchange research and development efforts, and provide guidance on SwA strategies for defense, federal civilian, and critical infrastructure systems. 

Ensuring the Nation’s Cybersecurity Is a Whole-of-Government Effort