Et tu, Brute?
He is one of the most respected, accomplished and well-liked public servants ever to grace the Federal Communications Commission. Now, mobile phone carriers, TV network moguls and others want his head. Julius Knapp, chief of the agency's Office of Engineering and Technology, has a big target on his back. There is nothing subtle about the disdain gushing his way. Knapp is running interference so to speak for FCC Chairman Kevin Martin regarding controversial white spaces and advanced wireless services-3 initiatives. The floodgates opened after the OET issued testing reports that concluded unlicensed devices can operate without disruption to others in TV airwaves and that a new national wireless broadband service can coexist in frequencies next to those purchased for billions of dollars by wireless carriers at a 2006 auction. Broadcasters and their ilk contend the OET's analysis of white spaces interference testing is flawed.
Et tu, Brute?